Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Looking Forward

The Home911 Team has been so busy that it feels like we have been doing this for months!

In reality though it has only been a few short weeks since we launched the new compensation plan. The feedback has been incredible. Our suspicions are confirmed...there has never been a compensation plan this good!

In fact we now have a way in which security companies can finally motivate their reps to go out and canvass! This is such a simple product to market with such a good response from the public that we have made an offer to security companies that they cannot refuse... free software!

In fact it is such a win win scenario for everybody!

They get our product absolutely free! In fact one very large security company in Gauteng their own words.."it just seems to good to be true" They almost feel guilty!

We have a product which is taking the market by storm...and if you haven't felt that excitement yet...then here are a few pointers...listen/read carefully

But first lets clear up a few things

1. have you downloaded the sales guide?
2. read it... there are a ton of clues in there.

The biggest clue... is that this is a community protection tool...which means that 80% of our sales are coming from people talking about us!

email campaigns
brochure drops

Go and speak to your them the product and get them to sign up! Then go and speak (physically) to friends and family.

Give them the time of day!

Then watch them do the same.... then...hold on tight!

Well done to Tim (again!) who managed to get a 20 minute slot on "The Voice Of The Cape"
and made us proud!

The web-site has been changed into 2 separate sections(hit cntrl f5)
1.product opportunity

This will make it easier to browse through it.

coming soon
an opt in sales course...where we will give you one simple little task...once a week!
And a nice little bonus for the winner!

Well done to Tania....100200, she got a R250 bonus for being our 200th sign up! Tim (again) got the R250 for signing her up!

remember to help your downline..they need you!

"the man who keeps helping the man below him will not have time to envy the man above him - Henrietta Mears"

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